Jackalope’s cases are authentic stories – not marketing fluff or technical reports
I interview and film real people and businesses out in the world – not in a studio.
I interview your customers, letting them tell the great stories about your products, services or collaboration. The topic might be technical, but I help it come alive. The story must be authentic, and it must hit the receiver’s emotions and intellect.

Getting footage for a case story in Semarang, Indonesia. Photo by Lars Møller.
Adding credibility
Case stories show how you are making a difference, how your products or services are making impact.
You can say how great you are, but when your customers say it, it adds credibility and trustworthiness.
Authentic storytelling
I shoot video on-site whenever possible, by myself or with a team, depending on the needs. My work involves some or all of the following:
- Help my clients plan the story. I have years of experience with the processes and workflow around case stories and strategic communication. I’ve developed tools to help plan and execute a case story from start to finish.
- Interview and film the story on-site, anywhere in the world.
- Sometimes I take photos – when I’m not working side-by-side with a professional stills photographer.
- Edit the video
- Write the story for web and print
- Edit one or more video cutdowns for social media (SoMe)
- Produce other activation elements (newsletter copy, SoMe posts, banner ads, etc.)
- Case presentation. The case as a business story presented in slide format. Used for customer meetings or events with stakeholders.
- Internal case story – To show “the story behind the story” for internal inspiration and training.
We record interviews in the local language. Then I produce the story packages in English (or with English subtitles) and deliver them in formats for easy global versioning.

Case story shoot in Nairobi, Kenya. Photo by Kristian Holm.